Germany condemns deaths of protesters in Sudan

Young journalists club

News ID: 40295
Publish Date: 16:39 - 03 June 2019
TEHRAN, Jun 3 - Germany is condemning violence in Sudan that has led to the deaths of more than a dozen protesters.

Germany condemns deaths of protesters in SudanTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry said Monday that Germany "is deeply worried about the latest developments in Khartoum" after security forces cleared a protest camp outside the army headquarters in Sudan's capital.

The spokesman, Christofer Burger, said security forces "appeared to have used firearms and there were deaths and numerous injuries."

Burger added: "Nothing justifies the violence and it must stop immediately. The violent clearance of the protest area greatly endangers the process of handing over governing powers to a civilian-led government."

He said Germany supports the African Union and United Nations-led process, and called on the parties in Sudan to avoid further escalation and return to the negotiating table.

Source: AFP

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