Pakistan PM humiliating encounter with Saudi King Salman

Young journalists club

News ID: 40263
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 14:44 - 03 June 2019
TEHRAN, Jun 3 - The Pakistan prime minister humiliating diplomatic encounter who allegedly disrespected the king of Saudi Arabia become hot topics in social media.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - This encounter happened when the two leaders met for the Arab nation’s OIC summit in Mecca.

Imran Khan was filmed walking the elaborate red carpet to meet King Salman, following a brief handshake and greeting, RT reported.

However, it appeared from the footage that the Pakistani PM spoke directly to the monarch’s translator rather than addressing the royal himself.

Khan can be seen pointing and gesticulating as he speaks to the translator before walking away, apparently without giving King Salman the opportunity to respond.

Source: Iran Press

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