Donetsk republican leaders not to hold Ukraine presidential elections

Young journalists club

News ID: 4009
Publish Date: 10:13 - 24 April 2014
Chief executives of recently self-proclaimed Donetsk people's republic will not hold in this Ukrainian region country's presidential elections slated on May 25, co-chairman of the Donetsk people's republic presidium Denis Pushilin told Itar-Tass.
"As for presidential elections we will certainly ignore them. How can we participate in elections which are held actually at our neighbours, but not among us? This is wrong, actually in current situation it is impossible to elect a president who would suit the West and east Ukraine," Pushilin said.
Pushilin also noted that Donetsk region did not take Oleg Tsarev as their presidential candidate and did not believe that he represented interests of this region in Kiev.
"We do not have anything against Tsarev, but he does not represent and cannot represent our interests. We did not vest him with any powers and he has a quite vague idea about what is happening in our region now," Pushilin said.
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