Tehran, YJC. Commander says IRGC’s help to Syria is at the consultation level where a public organization like the Basij is taking shape.

Commander of the IRGC army who was speaking on the occasion
of the anniversary of the foundation of the IRGC on Friday said "Beside developments
in various aspects of military preparedness such as training and the production
of equipment and arms, the biggest achievement of the army is its success in localizing
security in order to create stable security in border areas, especially in north-west,
west, and south-east.”
Brigadier General Mohammad Khakpour providing comments on
reports that the IRGC is present in Syria said "The IRGC is not militarily
present in Syria. Our presence is merely consultative, whose outcome is the
formation of a popular mobilization beside the Syrian Army in fighting Takfiri
He also pointed to controversy over the IRGC’s hand in Iran’s
political affairs and said "If being engaged in politics means political
devotion, political insight, and standing at the front line to fight the
enemies of the revolution and the Islamic state, then the IRGC is 100 percent
political. But being engaged as a party is a red line for the IRGC.”
"The IRGC will never politically spend itself for a
political person or current. However, it is natural for people to gain distance
from the true ways of Imam Khomeini, the Supreme Leader, and the revolutionary
identity. The IRGC will distance itself from such people. It will never remain
impartial on issues that relate to the revolution and the destiny of people,”
Khakpour asserted.