Nuclear talks on right track

Young journalists club

News ID: 3949
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:06 - 17 April 2014
Tehran, YJC. Majlis Speaker says Iran’s nuclear negotiations are being pursued as they should.

Speaking to the staff of Iran’s Embassy in Minsk, Belarus, Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani on Wednesday said "A generally positive outlook was discerned in talks with the President, Prime Minister, and Head of the National Assembly of Belarus.”

He added "In certain cases decisions were made which if realized they can bring about developing respect in the relations between Iran and Belarus.”

"Mere talks are only the first step and they have to be pursued so that the desired result may come,” the parliamentary speaker of the Islamic Republic of Iran stated.

 "We hope that the ministry’s efforts will be in tune with the needs and a help to developing the country. Nuclear talks have been a step forward,” he maintained, adding "In the nuclear talks, steps are being taken in the right direction. The other side thinks that the time to discourage Iran from nuclear energy is over. So they have to adopt a realistic view of the issue. Accordingly, I hope that the case will be resolved in its proper course.”

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