Poland demands reaction over assault of ambassador to Israel

Young journalists club

News ID: 39371
Publish Date: 16:18 - 15 May 2019
TEHRAN, May 15 - Poland's prime minister on Wednesday condemned what he described as a "xenophobic" assault on the country's ambassador to Israel, who was spat at on a Tel Aviv street at a time of rising tensions between the two nations.

Poland demands reaction over assault of ambassador to IsraelTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Israeli officials expressed shock at the assault on Marek Magierowski on Tuesday afternoon and were investigating the incident. Israeli police said they had detained and released a 65-year-old man suspected of approaching the ambassador, who was sitting in his car, and spitting at him.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the suspect remained under house arrest until Thursday and is "not permitted to be in the area of the Polish embassy for 30 days." The suspect's motives remain unclear.

The incident comes amid a bitter standoff between Poland and Israel over how to remember the Holocaust and over demands that Poland pay reparations for former Jewish properties that were seized by Nazi Germany and later nationalized by Poland's communist regime.

Israeli Ambassador Anna Azari was summoned to the Polish Foreign Ministry in Warsaw on Wednesday over the incident. Michal Dworczyk, the head of Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki's office, said the Polish government expects the perpetrator to be punished.

Morawiecki expressed his concern at what he described as a "racist" attack.

"Poland strongly condemns this xenophobic act of aggression. Violence against diplomats or any other citizens should never be tolerated," Morawiecki said.

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Emmanuel Nahshon, said the assault was being investigated and that "we will update our Polish friends" on what is found.

"Israel expresses its full sympathy with the Polish ambassador and shock at the attack," Nahshon said.

"This is a top priority to us, as we are fully committed to diplomats' safety and security."

Source: AP

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