US senator urges hearing on Venezuela military action

Young journalists club

News ID: 38875
Publish Date: 22:17 - 05 May 2019
TEHRAN, May 05 - A US Republican senator has called for a hearing on possible US military action in Venezuela, after the Venezuelan army foiled a botched military coup against President Nicolas Maduro.

US senator urges hearing on Venezuela military actionTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Speaking amid growing speculations about a possible military action by the US to oust Maduro, Republican Indiana Senator Todd Young said Saturday that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee needed to clarify what Washington’s next step would be.

"I am calling on the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to hold immediate hearings with key members of the administration next week to discuss their plans for Venezuela and to explain any plans to deploy US forces to the country," he stated.

As a small group of Venezuela army defectors began their failed coup against Maduro and in favor of self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaido on Tuesday, senior officials within the administration of US President Donald Trump repeated threats of a possible war in case Maduro refused to step down.

The threat was echoed by National Security Adviser John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan.

“I am concerned by reports of possible US military intervention in Venezuela," Young said.

'Attack Venezuela before it turns into new Syria'

Earlier this week, Senator Rick Scott, another Republican, warned that Venezuela will turn into “Syria on the Western hemisphere” if the United States doesn’t take whatever measures necessary, including military action, to oust Maduro and install Guaido in his place.

The Florida lawmaker said during a Fox News interview this week that it was time for US intervention in Venezuela in favor of Juan Guaido, the self-proclaimed “interim president” who has been leading country-wide unrest since January to bring down Maduro, the South American country’s legitimate president.

"If we don't win today, we are going to have Syria in this hemisphere,” he warned, claiming that the opposition would greet American forces "as liberators" and with “sweets and flowers.”

Scott tried to make the case for attacking Venezuela by accusing Maduro of “starving” his own people.

"Clearly we've got to look at our military going and taking the humanitarian in there to stop the death just through starvation," he claimed.

In an attempt to justify war, the Florida lawmaker brought attention to the presence of China and Russia in the Latin American country.

"I hope Russia and China understand they are supporting a murderer, a thug, somebody that's committing genocide against poor little children," he said.

“We can either make sure something happens now or we can deal with this for decades to come,” the senator claimed.

Coons refused to provide a deeper view into the roots of the Syrian conflict, which was started by foreign-backed militant groups who were bankrolled and equipped by either Washington or its allies in the Middle East.

We needed more soldiers: Guaido

Meanwhile, the Venezuelan opposition leader admitted in an interview with The Washington Post on Saturday that he expected more defections during the failed coup.

The coup failed “maybe because we still need more soldiers, and maybe we need more officials of the regime to be willing to support it,” he said, calling on his supporters to try and convince soldiers to join his camp.

Despite constant calls by Guaido and American officials, specially Bolton, the bulk of the Venezuelan army remains loyal to Maduro.

On Saturday, Maduro appealed to the military on state television.

"We're not a weak country but one with strong armed forces that has to show itself as united and cohesive as ever. Say no to traitors! Out, traitors! Unity and supreme loyalty to the constitution, the fatherland, the revolution and to its legitimate commander-in-chief!" he said, asking soldiers to raise their weapons in his support.

Source: Press TV

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