Tehran, YJC. Sunni clergy from Sistan has denied any consistency between the acts of Jaish ul-Adl and Sunni convictions.

Abd ul-Samad Sadati, Friday preacher and head of the Zangian seminary of Islamic
schools of Saravan, Sistan and Baluchestan providing comments on the freedom of
four Iranian border guards from Jaish ul-Adl custody inside Pakistan said "We
hope that the fifth person whose status is not really clear yet is sound and
that he will get home safe.”
the history of the revolution, the state has never ransomed any terrorist group,
neither in this latest instant. To hold negotiations with such groups is
heresy,” Sadati stated.
clergyman repudiated Jaish ul-Adl claiming that their actions are in support of
the Sunni minority and said "Such acts are in no way related to the Sunni or
Shiite or Baluch. The Sunni comprises a great community in Iran who have surely
not chosen these people as their representatives to do terrorist acts. The
entire Sunni community condemns such actions.”