Rouhani: EP too insignificant to insult Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 3866
Publish Date: 9:18 - 08 April 2014
Tehran, YJC. President Rouhani has severely blasted the European Parliament’s recent resolution against Iran.

President Hassan Rouhani who was speaking at a meeting with a number of parliament members, governmental officials, and political activists pointed to Iran’s foreign policy in the 11th administration and said "The negotiations carried out by the country’s diplomatic system to reach a comprehensive agreement on the nuclear issues are highly complicated and difficult. We will struggle ahead, though, despite the fact that there are efforts to destroy the relations.”

He further pointed to the recent European Parliament resolution against Iran and said "The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran considers the resolution void of any value. The European Parliament is too small to attempt insulting the great nation of Iran.”

Rouhani asserted "In the past 4 years 60 resolutions with much harsher language than the latest one were issued, all without any value; and there was no controversy over them. It is lucky that, thanks to the quiet atmosphere and clarity that exists in the country’s foreign policy, the smallest insult is clearly heard. The Iranian nation, though, will take stance against the minutest of insults.”

"The EP resolution contains parts that emphasize negotiations and tapping the political approach to the nuclear program exclusively, which are in stark contrast to the ideas of some US officials where they claim that all options are on the table,” the president further stated.

He also pointed out that stressing more extensive relations with Iran, welcoming an interim nuclear deal, and attempts to reach a final agreement are among the positive points about the resolution.

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