Ukraine's leader: Rival could bring nation pain

Young journalists club

News ID: 38204
Publish Date: 15:30 - 21 April 2019
TEHRAN, Apr 21 - Ukraine's president, taking a jab at his comedian challenger, says that laugh could give way to pain for the nation if his rival wins the presidential runoff.

Ukraine's leader: Rival could bring nation painTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Opinion polls ahead of Sunday's runoff showed President Petro Poroshenko trailing behind comic actor Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who is famous for playing the nation's president in a popular TV sitcom.

Speaking after casting his ballot, Poroshenko said "it's important to be guided by reason, not laughs," adding that "it could be funny first, but pain may come later."

He emphasized the need to "defend achievements over the past five years," noting the creation of Ukraine's own independent Orthodox church, which he championed.

Zelenskiy got twice as many votes as Poroshenko in the first round three weeks ago, reflecting public anger at endemic corruption, a moribund economy and a five-year wat against Russia-backed insurgents in the east.

Source: AP


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