Each day one armed clash at borders

Young journalists club

News ID: 3820
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:33 - 31 March 2014
Tehran, YJC. Officials says the killing of hostage Iranian border guard by Jaish ul-Adl cannot be confirmed.

Brigadier General Ahmad Garavand, second in command of Iran’s border guards, stated that there is an average of one armed clash with terrorists every day.

Pointing to reports that Jaish ul-Adl has killed one of the Iranian hostage soldiers it recently arrested on the country’s border with Pakistan he said "Currently I cannot say anything for sure about the killing of the border guard.”

Speaking with Mehr News Agency in Bushehr Garavand stated "Our borders stretch for 8,755 kilometers. Last year we have had an average of one armed combat at the Islamic Republic of Iran’s borders.”

He further blamed Afghanistan and Pakistan for their lack of stringent border observation and said "Our main problem here is that the two countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan have no sway over their borders and it is only us that control the borders on one side. It is to regret that anti-revolutionary forces shoot at our forces from inside the two countries’ lands.”

"I believe that Pakistan is responsible for these five people. According to international regulations all countries are required to maintain their borders secure. Pakistan is not able to do so, which has been mentioned to the Pakistani in border meetings.”

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