Pakistan’s Premier to visit Iran next week

Young journalists club

News ID: 37949
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 12:37 - 16 April 2019
TEHRAN, Apr 16 - Pakistani Prime Minister will take visit on April 21 next week to Iran on the formal invitation of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, based on an announcement issued by Pakistan’s embassy in Tehran.

Pakistan’s Premier to visit Iran next week

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - This is Emran Khan’s first trip to Iran since his taking office. A high-rank delegation of Pakistani officials also will accompany him.

In addition to visiting and holding talks with Iranian officials Emran Kahn also will meet with a group of Iranian and Pakistani traders.

Iran and Pakistan are members of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and Organization of Islamic Coordination (OIC).

As two countries of close historical and cultural ties, it is expected that the Pakistani prime minister’s visit of Iran reinforces close bilateral ties between the two countries more than ever.

Source: IRIB News Agency

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