TEHRAN, YJC. President Hassan Rouhani felicitated the nation on Nowruz on Thursday, saying the Iranian voices are heard in the international community.
In a televised New Year message, President Rouhani outlined efforts and achievements of the "Government of Hope and Prudence”.
President Rouhani underlined the need for national solidarity to safeguard the Iranian and Islamic identity and provide the situation required for the economic, social and cultural development.
He said that the government makes every effort to prepare the ground necessary for better, free and safer life for the nation and the next generation.”
The president addressed himself to all walks of life of Iranian society, the servicemen who are away from their family.
President remembered the dear families of martyrs, the disabled and war veterans as well as the the other nations celebrating Nowrouz.
He appealed to the the political parties which bitterly lost in the presidential election to put aside vengeance and hostility and be inspired by the advent of spring to replace them with mercy and kindness.
He said spring means the occasion has come to stand away from harsh cold of the winter and the intolerable hot weather of the summer.
"Rather, it is spring of moderation and our nation have fallen on the path of moderation since long ago.”
Last year, marked big epic that are not historically forgettable and people, despite problems in their life came to the polling stations and voted to "Hope” – no matter to whom they voted, President Rouhani said.
"Last year, dear Iranian people allowed me and my colleagues to serve and now I am proud of felicitating you on Nowruz.”
In the past seven months, the government has made great strides in light of your support, said the president, adding, "The most important of which is providing atmosphere of hope, solidarity, joy and more vibrancy for prosperity of dear Iran and development of the country that is birthplace of great civilization.”
President Rouhani said he was very happy to inform dear Iranian nation that in the field of economy, the government had been able to curb rate of inflation through efforts of the experts and specialists.
He said that from October 2013 to February 2014, inflation growth rate was less than one percent in each month.
He added that sometimes it was 1.2 percent, sometimes half percent and in February it was less than half a percent even, let’s say 0.04 percent.
He noted, "Comparing with February last year, which inflation was 5.3 percent in a month – inflation rate last year’s February was 13 times more than this year’s. This year, it has fallen to one-thirteenth. Moreover, in the next year, decisive measures will be taken to decrease inflation.”
He said that the important problem in economic domain is campaign against recession and ushering in economic boom.
The President hoped that the new Iranian year of 1393 (starting on March 21) will be the year of economic boom and industrial and agricultural progress.
"Our main problem in economic domain is campaign against recession and at the same time making efforts for economic boom. Next year will be the year of economic boom. We will witness industrial and agricultural development and progress in the service sector.”
He said that last year, his government tried to make sure recovery of calm to the market -- commodity, gold coin, foreign exchange and stock exchange with no harsh fluctuations.
"We will continue to restore calm to the market this year.”
He said that last year we witnessed positive developments in agriculture domain.
"Here, let’s thank all villagers, farmers, entrepreneurs, industrialists, businesspersons, employees, workers, students, men and women, especially the youth, for supporting their own programs – the projects of " Government of Hope and Prudence”.”
Explaining the achievements in the field of foreign policy, he said, "Last year, very important step was taken in diplomatic domain. It will continue this year as well.
In an initial successful step, we managed to reach an agreement – a short-term one – in such a problem as nuclear file and the sanctions unjustly imposed on our nation. And in fact, we stopped the sanctions’ wheel. The path will be continued and this year, we hope to reach final agreement.”
"In the foreign policy domain, the image of the Islamic Republic of Iran globally has totally changed. Today, the real image of the great nation is more clear to all the world people and we see that voice of the nation is better heard worldwide. We witness exchange of political and economic visits favoring development and growth of the country and this year, it will proceed.”
He said the government will follow up providing medicare and food security for the poor class as two policies this year.
The President said that generally speaking, the condition of medicare, health and medical insurance will change positively in favor of the public.
"The people will, in the coming months, witness better standard to the health services to their own and their children.”
He noted that the government will guarantee more decent, more tranquil and more optimistic future for the country and its children.
The president said that in the new year, the next step will be taken in for the Targeted Subsidies. I assure you that the poor social class will be provided with more assistance, especially food security and they will be given special attention.
The president said that the domestic policy and cultural issues are of so much importance for the government.
"We want morality to dominate our society and extremism be over. In an Islamic and Mohammadi society, no charges and lies should have a place. Cursing should be ended in social environment forever. We are follower of Quran which instructs us not to curse even the pagans.”
President Rouhani said all are entitled to enjoy freedom of expression and criticism. "However, let’s not forget that we should speak to each other with the language of leniency and passion. We need cohesion and unity. If we do not join hands, flowers will not flourish in our society. If a flower is grown, it is the outcome of enjoying water, soil and light. In absence of the three, there will be no grass and no flower will blossom out.”
"Let’s join hands; let’s endear our Islamic and Iranian identity no matter what is our thought and ideology. Let’s create an atmosphere for growth of culture in our society. The government assures the people that it would double its serious efforts in the new year to improve life standard, elevate ethical values and less social vulnerability. "
He said people should make efforts to get closer to God Almighty, Holy Quran and the Right Path, creating atmosphere of sincerity, fraternity and kindness govern our life.
President Rouhani commemorated martyrs and vowed stronger efforts to implement general policies of resistance economy and economic development and progress.
He called on the public to pay attention to environment protection and prevent any pollution to dear Iran, earth, air, sea and its ponds.