Disrupting electricity supply to Crimea, would be sabotage:Aksyonov

Young journalists club

News ID: 3741
Publish Date: 8:10 - 19 March 2014
Crimea provides itself with gas fully; if Kiev should try to disrupt electricity supply, that would be regarded as sabotage Crimea's Head of Government said.
The Chernomorneftegaz (Black Sea oil and gas) Company, nationalised by the Republic of Crimea, fully meets the Peninsula's requirements for natural gas, Crimea's Head of Government Sergei Aksyonov told a talk show broadcast live on Channel One.
"The Chernomorneftegaz annually produces over 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas, with Crimea's requirement amounting to about one billion cu. m.

There are no doubts that we can provide ourselves with gas on our own," Aksyonov said in response to a question about the Peninsula's dependence on the supply of this kind of fuel from Ukraine.
As far as electricity is concerned, the people of Crimea pay for it in full and they  have no debts to Ukrainian supplier companiesms, the Premier said.
"And, accordingly, there are no grounds for cuttin off electricity supply. All matters concerning a cutoff of power supply will be regarded by us in such a case as sabotage," Aksyonov pointed out. In so doing he emphasized that reserves are being created on the Peninsula, with 900 diesel generators being prepared, in particular.

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