Tehran, YJC. Abyaneh is a village rich in historical significance much beyond one.
Abyaneh has been populated since 1,500 years ago, counting for one of the oldest human residences around the Iranian desert.
The village is in the Kashan county, Isfahan.
Abyaneh is one of the most beautiful villages of Iran and is growing in popularity as a visiting place for holidays.
There are many monuments in the village each belonging to a different historical era. The monuments along with traditions preserved from olden times contributed to the registration of the village as national heritage in 1976.
One of the characteristic features of the village is its mosques. There are 11 mosques in this very one village.
Fortresses are another feature to Abyaneh. There are three fortresses named "Pal Hamooneh” or "Takht Haman”, "Qale Hardeh”, and "Qaleh Paleh”.
There are also four water reservoirs none of which is used these days.