Democracy not attainable without free press

Young journalists club

News ID: 3721
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:32 - 17 March 2014
Tehran, YJC. Isfahan City Council member says statesmen have to accept the fact that they have to be questionable before media.

Ahamd Ameli, member of Isfahan City Council, said "What must be first of all accepted by statesmen is the most conspicuous principle about the press. Officials have to admit to the right of the press in asking questions.”

"We are seeing that the right to the free release of information by the press is being neglected,” Ameli said, adding "We have to come to believe in our heart that to answer the press, is to answer the people who have authorized the statesmen. Democracy does not come by except with free press.”

The City Council member asserted that the press which only praise statesmen are traitors to the country and stated "National strength and interests do not come but through criticism, questioning, and press which are given the right and courage to make inquiries.”

"Those press whose life depends on financial aid from state organizations cannot be critical about the state’s weak points and therefore will not be helping national interests through criticism,” he said.

Calling for attention to freedom of the press as the way to secure the country’s stability he asserted "If such a view replaces misjudgments and personal views; and if we replace a free press atmosphere for unnecessary expediency, we will have taken a significant step in defending national interests.”

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