Freedom of speech must consider historical, cultural, religious, social circumstances

Young journalists club

News ID: 3642
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:54 - 08 March 2014
Tehran, YJC. Rouhani has addressed the closing ceremony of this year’s press festival.

President Rouhani attended the closing ceremony of this year’s press festival which was held in Vahdat auditorium.

"Holding this festival means that we respect the freedom of speech,” said Rouhani.

"The government considers responsible freedom,” the president stated, adding "If some press would intend to disregard society’s principles it will no doubt weaken or even end its relations with people.”

He asserted that religious sanctities and national/ethnic values must be respected by all. "Sensitivity is high in our society even within ethnic groups a considerable lot of whom show reaction even against the least of mistakes,” Hassan Rouhani pointed out.

He also said "If cultural issues could be solved with pressure and through the police, we must not have been worried about the country’s culture today.”

"Multiple times the government’s cultural budget is given to other organizations. Right now gigantic budgets on culture are given to entities which are no part of the administrative system,” Rouhani further said.
"The law is to rule, but it has to be transparent,” he said, demanding "Why can our journals and other press be independent? How many news agencies, websites, or newspapers belong to organizations which use public funds and how many are owned by the private sector?”

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