Assad says Damascus to fight pro-Israel current

Young journalists club

News ID: 3625
Publish Date: 8:47 - 05 March 2014
Tehran, YJC. Syria’s President’ says despite domestic conflict, Syria opposes the current which tries to recognize a Jewish government in Palestine.

The president of Syria Bashar Hafez al-Assad speaking to a delegation from Jordan said "Despite the war which has afflicted the country, Syria will stand by the Jordanian nation. It will endorse the efforts by the Jordanian people to save their national identity and the Jordanian ruling power,” al-Manar TV channel reports.

He also pointed to the Zionist current aiming at the formation of a Jewish government in Palestine and said "Damascus will stand in full force against the regional current which tries to recognize the Zionist regime and the formation of a Jewish government in the occupied Palestinian lands.”

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