France arrests 44 migrants who climbed onto a ferry in Calais

Young journalists club

News ID: 36192
Publish Date: 16:58 - 03 March 2019
TEHRAN, Mar 03 - French police have arrested 44 migrants who had climbed aboard a ferry while it was docked at the port of Calais in the night of Saturday to Sunday, a Pas-de-Calais prefecture official told Reuters.

France arrests 44 migrants who climbed onto a ferry in CalaisTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The migrants entered the highly protected port area on Saturday night and used ladders to climb aboard a ferry that had arrived from Dover in Britain.

The migrants are being held at the Calais police headquarters while police officials continued searching the ship on Sunday morning.

The prefecture and humanitarian organizations estimate that several hundreds of migrants are living in the Calais area, all hoping to find a way to get to Britain.

Source: Reuters

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