Search resumes for 2 European climbers missing in Pakistan

Young journalists club

News ID: 36054
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 16:43 - 28 February 2019
TEHRAN, Feb 28 - Pakistani authorities have resumed a search for pair of missing climbers from Italy and Britain, a day after the operation was disrupted due to tensions between Pakistan and India.

Search resumes for 2 European climbers missing in PakistanTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Climbers Daniele Nardi and Tom Ballard, whose mother died on K2, last made contact Sunday from around an elevation of some 6,300 meters (nearly 20,700 feet) on Nanga Parbat, slightly more than one-third up the 8,126-meter peak nicknamed Killer Mountain because of the dangerous conditions.

A Facebook post by Nardi's team said Pakistan authorities sent a helicopter to search the Mummery Spur of Nanga Parbat for the climbers without result on Thursday.

On Wednesday, the search was temporarily suspended after Pakistan closed its airspace. The country said its military had shot down two Indian warplanes.

Source: AP

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