Iran, China set comprehensive collaboration framework

Young journalists club

News ID: 3546
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:45 - 23 February 2014
Tehran, YJC. Chucheng and Tayeb Nia have signed agreement on comprehensive collaboration.

Iran’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance and China’s Minister of Commerce singed a comprehensive collaboration framework on Saturday.

Ali Tayeb Nia who was speaking The 15th session of the Iran-China Commission on Economic Cooperation held at Iran’s Ministry of Economy headquarters said "Agreements have been made to implement the session’s document on bilateral cooperation in different areas which include industry, mining, energy, credit, finance, banking, health, transportation, sailing, agriculture, housing, urban development, trade, telecommunications, technology, labor, social welfare, rural development, and expert cooperation.”

He suggested that a permanent committee be launched to keep an eye on the manner in which agreements are being followed. The committee will have to hold monthly sessions to review to check the full implementation of agreements and to prepare reports for the two countries’ heads of commissions.

Chinese companies’ direct investment in Iran totals $4.5 billion. New changes are expected to raise the number to 10. Some of the most favorable areas for both countries to be discussed will be technology, mining, industry, industrial parks, and transportation.

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