Japanese tankers head back to Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 3544
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:15 - 23 February 2014
Tehran, YJC. Insured by GPI, Japanese tankers are to resume carrying Iranian oil as the two countries have renewed their contracts.

As sanctions have loosened on oil tanker sanctions, Iran’s oil export to China, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Turkey has increased in the past month.

International centers have said that in this period Iran’s oil export has increased by 100 thousand barrels a day to reach 1.1 million, Mehr News Agency reports.

Iran and Japan have recently started talks on resuming trade on oil, where as Japanese tankers get insurance to carry Iranian oil, the two countries will get back to good old days.

As Japan’s ambassador met Iran’s Deputy Oil Minister in International Affairs, the Japanese tanker Nichioh was loaded at Kharg terminal.

Ali Majedi hosting Kuji Honda said "Plans have been made to expand the two countries’ cooperation in oil industry. Japanese companies will be investing in upstream fronts.”

japan ، oil ، nichioh ، tanker
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