Aim of American coup in Venezuela is to control oil resources: Iran’s envoy

Young journalists club

News ID: 35363
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:27 - 13 February 2019
TEHRAN, Feb 13 - Iran’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Es'hagh Al Habib, said the aim of the American coup in Venezuela is to dominate the country's oil resources.

Aim of American coup in Venezuela is to control oil resources: Iran’s envoy

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Addressing the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) member states' meeting on Venezuela, in the Trusteeship Council on Tuesday, Eshagh Al Habib emphasized that US hostile, illegal and provocative policies should be stopped.

Al Habib described the current developments in Venezuela as a domestic issue that does not threaten regional or international peace and security.

Aim of American coup in Venezuela is to control oil resources: Iran’s envoy
He emphasized that no foreign action can be taken without the explicit consent of the government and no one can instruct Venezuelans what to do or not to do, which system to choose or what policies to adopt.

Iran’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations stated that: "Most importantly, no country or organization has the right to determine which of the national institutions of another country is democratic or legal. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, only the 'will of the people' will be the basis of legitimacy of the state."

Al Habib continued, "It is an inherent right that shouldn't be subject to a condition such as the recognition of a foreign country or organization and should be strongly respected by every UN member state. Hence, all the hostile policies of the United States and its illegal and provocative actions must be stopped."

Aim of American coup in Venezuela is to control oil resources: Iran’s envoy

Venezuelan opposition leader, Juan Guaido, on Wednesday January 23, called himself interim president, with the obvious support of the United States and its allies; an act that the Venezuelan government and nation called "the coup against the elected president, Nicholas Maduro."

Many countries, including Iran, Russia, China, Cuba, Turkey, South Africa, and Uruguay, have condemned the US position, stressing the need to respect Venezuela's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The United States and its allies are pushing for sanctions and supporting the Venezuelan opposition to overthrow the anti-American government in the country.

Source: Iran Press

venezuela ، iran ، envoy ، UN ، US
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