Al-Nujaba holds: the great convention of “the Path to Quds; the Path of Resistance”

Young journalists club

News ID: 35343
Publish Date: 13:03 - 12 February 2019
TEHRAN, Feb 12 -Al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance will hold the big convention of “the Path to Quds; the Path of Resistance” for the commemoration of Quds ideal and veneration of the fighters of the Palestinian Resistance on February 16, from 7 PM in the Andisheh Hall of Art Area (Hozeye Honari) in Tehran, Iran.

Al-Nujaba holds: the great convention of “the Path to Quds; the Path of Resistance”TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC)-According to the report of ..., al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance is going to hold the great convention of “the Path to Quds, the Path of Resistance” for the commemoration of Quds ideal and veneration of the fighters of the Palestinian Resistance, in February 16, started from 7 PM, in the Andisheh Hall of the Art Area (Hozeye Honar) in Tehran, Iran.

Hujjat al-Islam Akram al-Kaabi, the secretary general of al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance and General Muhammad Reza Naqdi, the Culture Deputy Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Corps will be the speakers of this seminar.

State and military figures, representative of the parliament, the ambassadors of the countries supporting the Resistance, the representative of the Resistance groups and Liberation Movements, a group of elites backing Palestine, some commanders and fighters who have defended the holy shrines, the families of the martyrs and self-sacrificing persons, student circles, internal reporters and representatives of the International media are some people invited to this elaborate ceremony.

As the media committee of the convention has announced, the anti-Zionist clip “on the Circle no. 32”, as the first video clip produced by the Iraqi Islamic Resistance will be released and presented for the first time in this ceremony.

Besides, the live presentation of the said clip is a part of the programs of the “Path to Quds, the Path of Resistance” convention, and then the selected guests, unveiling the poster of the video clip, leave their signature as memorial.
Finally, the Hebrew website of al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance will be inaugurated.


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