TEHRAN, Feb 05 - "No one, including aggressor soldiers, will enter Venezuela, I assure you. Don't we have the armed forces capable of protecting the country?" Venezuela's president wrote in his tweeter, warning against Trump's military option.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Nicolas Maduro pledged that the country's military will do its best to prevent a possible foreign invasion of Venezuela, calling any aggression to the country an act of 'madness' which will be of far-reaching consequences.
He accused Venezuela's "right-wing conspirators" of applauding Trump and asking him for a military invasion of their own homeland. Maduro said that it is "oil and natural resources of our beloved Motherland" that may become a reason for Trump "to declare war against Venezuela".
He added that as of Wednesday, Venezuela will start collecting signatures against the US military intervention in the country.
"There are those who threaten Venezuela with intervention […] On Wednesday, we are launching a great national action to collect signatures across the country which will then be submitted to the White House in order to reject these [intervention-related] threats", Maduro pointed out.
On Monday, he urged Trump "to stop" and warned the US President. Trump had threatend Venezuela to take military option.
Venezuela has been grappling with a political crisis since last month, when Western-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido abruptly declared himself “interim president.”
The Trump administration was quick to recognize Guaido. It has also stepped up pressure on the government of President Nicolas Maduro, saying it is considering all options, including a military one, to overthrow the elected president.

Washington has also announced a new round of sanctions against oil firm Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) in order to funnel income from the country’s main oil exporter into the hands of Guaido.
Maduro, who had the critical support of the military, has accused Guaido of staging a US-engineered coup against him, and has severed diplomatic relations with Washington.
The Venezuelan vice president further echoed earlier remarks by Maduro that the government was ready to try resolving issues through dialog.
“Of course, we call for solving all problems peacefully, by establishing dialogue and resolving issues at the electoral level,” Rodriguez said.
Maduro told Russian media last week that he was ready to sit down with the opposition for “for the sake of peace” and “the benefit of Venezuela.”
Trump, however, ruled out any negotiations with the Venezuelan president in an interview with CBS on Saturday. He once again threatened that military intervention in Venezuela was “an option.”