TEHRAN, Feb 05 - Iran’s biggest solar power plant with a capacity to produce seven megawatts (MW) of electricity was inaugurated in the western province of Hamedan on Tuesday.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The power plant came into operation during a ceremony attended by Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri and Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian in Hamedan on Tuesday.
The renewable energy project has been constructed by a private company with an investment of seven million euros.
Earlier in December, Mohammad Sadeqzadeh, the director of Iran’s Renewable Energy and Electrical Energy Efficiency Organization, a subsidiary of the Energy Ministry, said people and the private sector have made a huge investment in the renewable energy industry in recent years.
Even the “cruel sanctions” could not slow down the growth of the renewable energy industry in Iran, he said, adding that local investment has now outstripped foreign investment in this sector.
“At present, one large-scale renewable energy plant and tens of small-scale ones are coming into operation every week,” Sadeqzadeh went on to say.
Iran is seeking 5,000 megawatts of renewable energy by 2020, with more than 4,000 megawatts expected to come from wind power. The country has approximately 141 megawatts of installed wind power.
Source: Tasnim