Germans 'Pro-diesel' wear yellow vest

Young journalists club

News ID: 34967
Publish Date: 13:15 - 03 February 2019
TEHRAN, Feb 03 - Yellow vest protest extends more but this time beyond France boundaries to Germany and against a driving ban on older diesels.

Germans 'Pro-diesel'  wear yellow vest

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Hundreds of people demonstrated Saturday in Stuttgart, the bastion of Germany's car industry, against a recent driving ban on older diesels, wearing yellow vests to match protesters in France whose movement began as a reaction to proposed fuel hikes.

Since January 1, only diesel vehicles meeting the Euro 5 emissions standard are allowed into Stuttgart, home of Mercedes-Benz maker Daimler, Volkswagen subsidiary Porsche and the world's biggest car parts supplier Bosch.

The demonstrators held banners saying " Pro-diesel " and "Diesel drivers mobilise" as they gathered outside a car emissions centre.

"Tens of thousands of people are affected and can't afford to buy a new car" following the court-ordered ban, the protest organiser Vasilos Topalis told AFP.

Environmental organisations last year took to the courts to push through similar driving bans in many German cities where emissions exceed European Union limits.

France's Yellow Vest movement sprang up in November to denounce fuel tax rises but quickly grew into a more broadly based protest against President Emmanuel Macron's allegedly aloof governing style.

Source: AFP

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