TEHRAN, Feb 03 - France's "yellow vest" movement demonstrated against police violence in rallies across the country Saturday.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The latest marches -- the 12th in a row -- came a day after France's top court threw out a bid to ban weapons that fire 40-millimeter rubber projectiles blamed for a number of serious injuries.
Thousands of protesters took part in a "march of the injured" in Paris calling for a ban on the weapons.
Frence police uses "defensive ball launchers", known as LBDs, that have blinded or seriously injured protesters.
One of the movement's leading figures Jerome Rodriguez was hit in the eye at last Saturday's demonstration.

The marchers gathered for a rally at Place de la Republique in the city centre, where police used tear gas and water cannons to force demonstrators to keep their distance and clashes broke out with some protesters, some hooded or masked.
The “Yellow Vest” movement initially erupted in November 2018 amid public outrage over a planned hike in fuel prices. The embattled French president later backed down and suspended the increase, but the protests did not stop and turned into a broader campaign against high costs of living blamed on Macron’s economic policies.
Many of the protesters are demanding the resignation of Macron, a demand dismissed as undemocratic by the government.
French police confront protesters on the streets of Paris on Saturday, as 'Yellow Vest' protests, now a nation-wide rally, is keeping on for a 12th consecutive week.