German company cancels big gas deal with Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 3484
Publish Date: 13:52 - 15 February 2014
Tehran, YJC. Iran says German company has called off deal to reserve gas.

The CEO of Iran’s National Gas Storage Company said the German company which had made a deal with Iran on storing gas has called the deal off.

"As the German company has apologized and cancelled the contract, call is being made for international companies to sign deal on this project,” Masoud Samivand said in interview with Mehr News Agency.

Providing comments on the German company’s reasons for cancelling the deal he said "The German company requested a disproportionate finance profit for storing gas in the Yortsha reservoir of Varamin.”

Maintaining that there are well-known rates for global gas and oil contracts, Samivand stated that the German side had made "extraordinary and unreasonable demand” which was not agreed to by the Board of Directors of Iran’s National Gas Company.

"We had warned the company according to the terms of agreement to make its offer more reasonable, holding more than 20 sessions with the company in the meantime which did not bring about a final agreement,” the CEO of the Iranian National Gas Storage Company said.

He added that the German company followingly resigned from the contract.

Samivand further stated that Iran has made a new call for international companies to sign deals on the project.

He said that so far a number of companies have announced willingness to sign the deal.

The call is on untill the end of the Iranian year, March 20.

iran ، germany ، gas ، storage
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