Tehran, YJC. 31 parliamentary delegations have so far arrived in Tehran to take part in the Inter-Parliamentary Summit of Islamic states.
News Agency reports that so far parliamentary delegations from Jordan, UAE,
Indonesia, Uganda, Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Turkey, Chard, Côte d’Ivoire, Sudan, Syria,
Iraq, Palestine, Cameroon, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Azerbaijan, Benin,
Togo, Comoros, Gabon, Libya, Senegal, Northern Cypress, and Lebanon have made
it to Tehran to attend this year’s Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Summit.
parliament speaker has also arrived in Tehran to attend the event.
It is
said that 25 speakers will be taking part in the Islamic Parliamentary Speakers
Summit which is to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday.
31st Convention of The Administrative Committee of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary
Summit started on Friday at the Azadi Hotel. In the coming days expert
committees are to hold sessions.