Police arrested 3 men over child abuse at German campsite

Young journalists club

News ID: 34791
Publish Date: 15:27 - 30 January 2019
TEHRAN, Jan 30 - German police say three men have been arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing almost two dozen children, many of them at a campsite where one of the suspects lived.

Police arrested 3 men over child abuse at German campsiteTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Police in Detmold, about 320 kilometers (200 miles) west of Berlin, said Wednesday that the men abused at least 23 children aged between 4 and 13 years of age.

The men, aged 33, 48 and 56, weren't identified by name. They are suspected of committing more than 1,000 instances of abuse. One of suspects was a permanent resident at a campsite in the nearby town of Luegde, where the children were groomed before being abused.

Source: AP


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