TEHRAN, YJC. 35 years have gone by since a series of situations lead to a change of the ruling system in Iran.

On February 11, 1979, the public demonstrations of Iranians resulted
in the change of the ruling power, ending 2500 years of regal authority and
empowering a religious system that was favored by the majority.
On this day the armed mob took over many governmental
buildings, ranging from prisons to military and municipal premises to the
broadcasting headquarters.

Ayatollah Khomeni who had returned to the country from exile
11 days before was the center of attention as the leader of the revolution.
Riots continued in the following 10 days which Iranians now
call "Dahe ye Fajr”, literally meaning "the ten days of daybreak”.

At 10:00 o’clock in the morning, the Commanders Council of
the Armed Forces held an emergency meeting headed by Abbas Qaradaqi. They decided
to announce their endorsement of the public move.
The Iranian radio channel, the only one existing in the
country then, interrupted its regular program and broadcast the army announcement.
Shortly after the protestors seized the building and
announced the overthrow of the Pahlavi monarchy.