Syrian Kurdish women rally in support of Army, denounce Turkish military threats

Young journalists club

News ID: 33558
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 21:58 - 31 December 2018
TEHRAN, December 31 - Scores of women have staged a rally in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasaka to voice their support for the Syrian government forces and censure Turkey’s threats of a military campaign against Kurdish militants from the US-backed People's Protection Units (YPG).

Syrian Kurdish women rally in support of Army, denounce Turkish military threatsTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The demonstrators converged in al-Sabi’a Bahrat Square of Kurdish-populated Qamishli city, situated 680 kilometers (420 miles) northeast of the capital Damascus, on Monday and marched towards Arab Cultural Center Square.

The participants waved Syrian national flags and carried banners in support of the Syrian Army, stressing that government soldiers are the only guarantor of Syrians’ unity and that they are the only national force capable of fighting against terrorism and foreign plots.

They highlighted that Syria, thanks to the steadfastness of people from all strata of society and their full support for the army and President Bashar al-Assad, has managed to thwart all fiendish conspiracies

The demonstrators then called on all Syrians to join forces and confront attempts aimed at undermining Syria’s territorial integrity besides Turkey’s threats against Syria’s unity.

Turkey considers the YPG a terrorist organization and an extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has been fighting for an autonomous region inside Turkey since 1984.

Over the past few days, the Turkish military has been sending reinforcements to frontline areas with YPG militants in northern Syria. 

The Turkish military, with support from allied militants of the so-called Free Syrian Army, has launched two cross-border operations in northern Syria, dubbed “Euphrates Shield” and “Olive Branch”, against the YPG and Daesh Takfiri terrorists.


Syria’s military announced on Friday that it had taken control of the northern town of Manbij, which lies in mainly Arab territory west of the Euphrates.

Kurdish forces, who were left exposed by US President Donald Trump's pledge to pull out American soldiers from Syria, have asked Syrian government forces for help amid indications that Turkey is considering a military campaign against them.

Source: Press TV

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