Facilitation, not dictation: Iran's Zarif

Young journalists club

News ID: 33040
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:28 - 19 December 2018
TEHRAN, December 19 - Attending in the trilateral Syrian Constitution forum in Turkey's Ankara, Iran's Foreign Minister stressed that Western governments should facilitate Syria's political solution instead of dictating it.

Facilitation, not dictation: Iran's Zarif

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Mohammad Javad Zarif reiterated the necessity for finding a political solution to the crisis in Syria.

“In Geneva alongside Russian and Turkish counterparts to move forward on a constitutional committee to resolve Syria crisis. We always insisted on a political solution led and owned by Syrians. The West has now been compelled to accept this. But it needs to facilitate; not dictate,” Zarif said in a message on his Twitter account on Tuesday evening after the conclusion of a meeting with his Russian and Turkish counterparts in Geneva, held to discuss a new Syrian constitutional committee.

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei also Lavrove described the meeting as very positive, stressing that Moscow, Tehran, and Ankara are committed to Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

The top Russian diplomat added that the three countries support the launch of a Syrian-led political process for the composition of Syria’s inclusive constitution.
UN's special envoy, Staffan de Mistura still said in a separate statement that “more efforts are required” to ensure a credible, balanced constitutional committee for Syria.

The foreign ministers of Iran, Russia and Turkey –the three guarantors of a ceasefire regime in Syria- held a meeting with Staffan de Mistura, the outgoing UN Special Envoy for Syria, in Geneva on Tuesday for talks on the lineup of a new constitutional committee for Syria.

Source: Agencies

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