Germany braces for train turmoil as workers strike Monday

Young journalists club

News ID: 32666
Publish Date: 17:38 - 10 December 2018
TEHRAN, December 10 - Germany's state train operator Deutsche Bahn is bracing for severe disruptions Monday due to a nationwide railworkers' strike over pay.

Germany braces for train turmoil as workers strike MondayTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - National, regional, and local train traffic will be affected even after the end of the stoppage scheduled to last from 5:00 am to 9:00 am (0400 GMT to 0800 GMT), Deutsche Bahn said Sunday.

It did not specify how many trains would be cancelled, or how many passengers are likely to be inconvenienced.

Pay negotiations between Deutsche Bahn and the EVG railworkers' union, demanding a 7.5-percent salary rise for 160,000 employees, ended without agreement on Saturday.
"The employer made offers which did not correspond to the demands of our members," said EVG negotiator Regina Rusch-Ziemba.

But the railway operator in a statement described the strike as "completely futile" saying its offer was "attractive and met the main demands" of employees.

German news agency DPA said Deutsche Bahn invited the union to new talks on Monday afternoon.

Source: AFP

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