Salafi currents raised by West

Young journalists club

News ID: 3228
Publish Date: 13:31 - 16 January 2014
Tehran, YJC. Head of the Judiciary says Salafism is a Western scheme to weaken Islam.

The Head of the Judiciary Branch Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani speaking in a meeting on Wednesday stated that the Western hand in the formation of Wahhabism is a "historical fact”.

The ayatollah asserted "Takfiri and Salafi currents are not related to Islam and our Sunny brothers by any means. They are rather sects reared by the West in order to weaken Islamic societies.”

Meanwhile he demanded the Ministry of Intelligence and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps to be careful about the entrance of Takfiri currents to the country.

Larijani further added "Takfiri viewpoints are by no means the same as the disagreements between Islamic schools of though. Security and intelligence services will have to adopt an appropriate action against the anti-security nature of these currents.”

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