MP: No idea Straw would have liked to meet Khatami

Young journalists club

News ID: 3220
Publish Date: 14:15 - 15 January 2014
Tehran, YJC. Head of Iran-UK friendship group says Jack Straw’s request to meet former Iranian president had been rejected.

The head of the Iran-UK parliamentary friendship group Abbas Ali Mansouri Arani speaking in interview with the Islamic Consultative Assembly News Agency pointed to issues circling around recent UK parliamentarians’ visit to Tehran.

The lawmaker said "It is natural for parliamentarian groups to express willingness to meet different people. But prior to the trip, the Iranian parliament sent them the meetings’ time table and it was emphasized that it is the parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran which settles the meetings. Therefore, I am not aware if Jack Straw had been interested in meeting Khatami. He was rather interested in meeting the heads of branches, to which the Iran-UK parliamentarian friendship group did not agree.”

The former UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw led a parliamentarian delegation to Tehran in the first week of 2014.

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