Britain announces draft Brexit deal with EU

Young journalists club

News ID: 31526
Publish Date: 13:14 - 14 November 2018
TEHRAN, November 14 - Britain has agreed a draft Brexit deal with the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May announced Tuesday, although she must still get it through her cabinet and the deeply divided parliament.

Britain announces draft Brexit deal with EUTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The breakthrough after months of acrimonious negotiations came with fears mounting of a potentially catastrophic scenario, in which Britain leaves the bloc in March with no deal at all.

Yet numerous hurdles stand in the way of a final agreement, most of them in London, where members of May's own cabinet and party are once again arguing over how to proceed.

Ministers were individually briefed about the deal's outline on Tuesday evening, ahead of a special cabinet meeting on Wednesday to sign off the text, Downing Street said.

"Cabinet will meet at 2:00 pm (1400 GMT) tomorrow to consider the draft agreement the negotiating teams have reached in Brussels, and to decide on next steps," it said.

France's European Minister Nathalie Loiseau confirmed that the sides had finally made "substantial progress".

"We are going to look very carefully at the draft agreement. We want a good text that scrupulously respects the interests of the EU," she wrote on Twitter.

The pound surged on the news, rising by 1 percent against the dollar and 0.5 percent against the euro compared to late Monday.

If British ministers back the text, which runs to hundreds of pages, London hopes the EU will call a summit later this month so the bloc's leaders can give their approval.

Ambassadors from the 27 remaining EU member states will meet on Wednesday afternoon, while Ireland's cabinet is also reportedly set to convene in Dublin.

Source: AFP

britain ، eu ، deal ، brexit
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