US sanctions on Iran part of destabilizing Mideast policy: Pundit

Young journalists club

News ID: 31329
Publish Date: 21:07 - 10 November 2018
TEHRAN, November 10 -An academic believes fresh US sanctions on Iran are part of a wider policy to destabilize the entire Middle East.

US sanctions on Iran part of destabilizing Mideast policy: PunditTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -“I think we have to be aware that the US - not just this regime but previous regimes- have been trying to destabilize Iran for the past 40 years since the [Islamic] Revolution. We have to remember and understand that the West has been trying to destabilize the Middle East for over a century now ever since the need for oil has been established in Western economies and so the recent attempt to impose sanctions on Iran are the usual bellicose and arrogant statements that we expect from this president and under many previous presidents we have had this attempt to change the regime as they call it in Iran,” Kenneth Fero, lecturer at Coventry University told Press TV in an interview on Saturday.

“The impact of this is of course they are citing Iran as funding Hamas and Hezbollah which Americans term as terrorist organizations but of course Hamas and Hezbollah have been elected by the people of Palestine and the people of Lebanon … and it is absolutely no business of the American president to try to impose sanctions on Iran under the pretext of trying to bring some kind of peace to the Middle East,” he added.  

“People have to understand that America has never been about peace in the Middle East. Currently it is supporting the Saudi brutal attacks on Yemen, it continues to try to destabilize Syria and I could list every country in the Middle East and you would understand the history of the past hundred years has been one of trying to destabilize the region and this is all part of that,” Fero further noted.  

Earlier this week, the administration of US President Donald Trump unleashed a second round of sanctions against Iran. The punitive measures targeted 700 individuals, banks, aircraft, ships and companies tied to Iran’s energy and financial industries.

They came months after Washington scrapped the 2015 Iran nuclear accord, called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), despite international objections.

The first round of the anti-Iran bans – which had been lifted under the accord -- were re-imposed in August.

Source: Press TV

us ، iran ، policy
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