Trump claims Republicans won midterms, threatens Democrats

Young journalists club

News ID: 31221
Publish Date: 21:12 - 07 November 2018
TEHRAN, November 07 - US President Donald Trump insists his Republican Party has won the 2018 midterm congressional elections despite losing the House of Representatives to Democrats, threatening the opposition party against using their newly found power in the lower chamber of Congress to hinder his political agenda.

Trump claims Republicans won midterms, threatens DemocratsTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The Republican head of state took to Twitter on Tuesday to take credit for his party's success in widening their narrow majority in the Senate by winning more seats in midterms.

While Democrats were never projected as the favorites to flip the Senate, it is still surprising to see how they failed to make a splash despite receiving intense support from party heavyweights such as former President Barack Obama, former VP Joe Biden and former First Lady Hillary Clinton.

Trump wrote only the "fake news" would refuse to "give us proper credit for this great Midterm Election."

Trump then went after Democrats, advising them against launching House level investigations into his administration like some party members have suggested.

Immediately after it became clear that Democrats had won the lower chamber of Congress for the first time in eight years, there were speculation that they would use the opportunity to give Trump more headache.

While impeachment seems a distant possibility now that Democrats have failed to secure a big enough majority, they still can put Trump under pressure by frustrating his legislative agenda and also dig deep into his business career.

The president has already been accused by Democrats of obstruction of justice in the ongoing investigation into his alleged ties with Russia which is led by Justice Department's Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Trump took a jab at the probe in his post-election Twitter rant, calling it a "witch hunt."

Keeping control of the Senate was the highlight of the night for Republicans as they lost ground in pretty much every other aspect of the midterms.

In addition to losing the House, they were also projected to lose seven gubernatorial races to Democrats as well.

Overall, however, it seems like Trump managed to do well  enough in what shaped up as the first chance for many Americans to pass judgment about his presidency.

Source: Press TV

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