Iraq’s democracy role model for regional countries: Iranian VP

Young journalists club

News ID: 30776
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:51 - 29 October 2018
TEHRAN, October 29 - Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri hailed the recent formation of Iraq’s new government and said the Arab country’ democracy can be a role model for other countries in the Middle East.

Iraq’s democracy role model for regional countries: Iranian VPTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - In a telephone conversation with Iraq’s new Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi on Sunday, Jahangiri offered his congratulations on his appointment as the premier and the start of the new Iraqi government’s work after winning the parliament’s vote of confidence.

He also expressed confidence that given the experiences of Abdul-Mahdi, the new government would be able to resolve the current problems facing the Arab country.

Jahangiri further said that today’s democracy in Iraq can be a good role model for other regional nations.

Abdul-Mahdi, for his part, praised the bilateral relations between Tehran and Baghdad as “unique” and said the brotherly ties between the two countries would serve the interests of both nations.

Abdul Mahdi, 76, was sworn in on Wednesday, but could not announce the full cabinet after the Iraqi lawmakers failed to reach a consensus on key postings, including the ministers of interior and defense.

Iraq’s Parliament will reconvene on November 6 to vote on the remaining eight ministers.

The developments came as Iraq is reeling from Daesh’s (ISIL or ISIS) three-year terror campaign, which has taken a heavy toll on the country’s infrastructure and economy.

Iraqi armed forces, backed by Iranian military advisers, fully liberated their homeland from Daesh terrorists in December 2017.

Source: Tasnim

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