Tehran, YJC. Cultural Heritage is reconstructing the Bam citadel in cooperation with 12 universities worldwide.

of Iran’s Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization Mohammad Ali Najafi who
was visiting the Bam citadel on Wednesday said "The Bam citadel is a symbol for
the Iranian identity and culture. Reviving this historical building was a
complicated, yet successful task.”
that in the past 10 years, there has been an international cooperation in
reviving the site he said "It is such that more than 12 of the world’s major
universities and other research institutes are contributing to the revival of
these historical, archeological works.”
asserted "The cooperation of several countries for reconstructing the Bam
citadel taught us that wherever cultural heritage is in danger it is necessary
four countries to act in cooperation for its revival.”
He expressed
hope that Bam would turn into a hub for developing Kerman province and the
country’s tourism.