Protesters, soldiers clash in Comoros over presidential term extension

Young journalists club

News ID: 30235
Publish Date: 21:03 - 15 October 2018
TEHRAN, October 15 -Protesters barricaded roads with tree trunks, stoned cars and clashed with soldiers in the Indian Ocean island nation of Comoros on Monday in demonstrations against President Azali Assoumani's bid to extend term limits, officials said.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -Assoumani's move to compete in presidential polls in early 2019 has angered people on the archipelago's Anjouan island as it would deny them taking over the presidency under a system that rotates the post among the country's three main islands.

"These protests are a result of a general sentiment of being fed up with the unfortunate decisions made by President Azali," said Mohamed Sadate Nadjib, a government official in Anjouan, adding 13 people had been arrested.

"There is a presence of soldiers on the streets and they are trying to remove the barricades but the people are blocking the streets again as soon as they leave," he told Reuters by phone.

President Assoumani a former military officer, joins a string of African leaders in countries such as Rwanda, Uganda and Cameroon who have extended presidential term limits or amended the constitution in order to remain in power.


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