Saudi Arabia vows retaliation if punished over missing critic

Young journalists club

News ID: 30202
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:05 - 15 October 2018
TEHRAN, October 15 - Saudi Arabia warned it would retaliate against any sanctions imposed on the oil-rich kingdom over the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as the Riyadh stock market plunged on growing investor jitters.

Saudi Arabia vows retaliation if punished over missing criticTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) From tech tycoons to media giants, a host of Western companies are now distancing themselves from the (Persian) Gulf state, imperilling Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's much-hyped economic reform drive.

US President Donald Trump has threatened the kingdom with "severe punishment" if Khashoggi, who has been critical of Prince Mohammed, was killed inside its Istanbul mission.

But Riyadh vowed to hit back on Sunday against any punitive measures.

"The kingdom affirms its total rejection of any threats or attempts to undermine it whether through threats to impose economic sanctions or the use of political pressure," an official said, according to state news agency SPA.

The official said Riyadh would "respond to any action with a bigger one", pointing out that the oil superpower "plays an effective and vital role in the world economy".

According to Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television, the kingdom has "over 30 measures" it could implement.

Source: AFP

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