Texas man filling potholes with help from YouTube videos

Young journalists club

News ID: 29610
Publish Date: 10:46 - 03 October 2018
TEHRAN, October 03 -A Texas man fed up with his city's pothole problem is leading an effort to fill in the gaps in the road using techniques learned from YouTube. Zach Weeks said he, his wife and a friend learned to fill potholes from watching YouTube tutorials and then they bought $150 worth of materials that they used to fix three Dickinson potholes during the weekend.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -A Texas man fed up with his city's pothole problem is leading an effort to fill in the gaps in the road using techniques learned from YouTube.

Zach Weeks said he, his wife and a friend learned to fill potholes from watching YouTube tutorials and then they bought $150 worth of materials that they used to fix three Dickinson potholes during the weekend.

Weeks said the pothole problem in Dickinson has been causing increasingly severe damage to local residents' cars.

"Just kind of got tired of looking at it and tired of trying to get the city to do something about it," he told KTRK-TV.

Weeks said he was told his efforts might not be legal, so he is seeking the city's permission to continue filling the holes.

"There's a lot of people that said it was illegal and there was a lot of liability involved. But I couldn't find a single case of anybody being stopped," Weeks said.

He said he plans to discuss the project at the next city council meeting.

"That's where I hope this is leading. A city-backed or a community-funded effort," Weeks said. "I really think we can fix all this."

Cash-strapped communities have been looking to unusual methods of repairing potentially dangerous potholes, including soliciting the help of Domino's Pizza. The fast food chain partnered with several cities, including Bartonville, Texas, to fill potholes and stamp them with the Domino's logo.

Source: UPI

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