Tehran, YJC. The Russian Foreign Minister has warned against Europe delaying the enactment of the Geneva agreement on Iran’s nuclear case.

Speaking with Russia 24, the
Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov warned the Western negotiators against
delaying the enactment of trust-building measures as agreed with Iran in
"The European Union is
delaying the enactment of agreements made within the 5+1 group with Iran in
Geneva. There is the threat that agreements may be postponed,” asserted Lavrov.
The Russian Foreign
Minister stated "It is to regret that the enactment of the first stage has been
delayed, because the EU has informed us that the agreements must first be
approved by all EU members. It is highly probable that the issue will be
considered on December 16.”
Meanwhile Lavrov deemed it
unlikely for the EU members to agree to the document, in which case it will be
relegated to January next year as the six-month time span to enact the first
step hurries along.
"That worries us and we try to direct the attention
of our allies in the EU to take care not to create an unbridgeable problem
against the agreements, lest the very valuable agreements made in Geneva, which
are a unique, historic achievement, should go waste,” he maintained.