Tehran, YJC. Russian Foreign Minister has met Rouhani to discuss mutual concerns.

The Iranian president Hassan Rouhani and the Foreign
Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov met in Tehran on Wednesday.
Pointing to mutual measures following Rouhani and Vladimir
Putin’s meeting in Bishkek, the Iranian president said "Our goal is to arrive
at close, strategic relations with Russia. Like Russia, Iran is willing to
reach a long-term agreement which will cover bilateral, regional, and
international cooperation.”
Also providing comments on the Iran-Six Majors agreement
made in Geneva, the Iranian president said "As for the Geneva nuclear talks, Iran
has always stressed two points. The first point is not to stand discrimination
and to enjoy the rights stated in the NPT in full, especially the right to
enriching uranium inside Iran’s soil. The second point is stressing the
peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear activities and the fact that they will remain
Rouhani further said "The Geneva agreement means that Iran’s
entire rights, including the right to enrichment, have been recognized. If some
countries would interpret the agreement otherwise, they will have damaged the existing
trust and attempts that are carried out to build such trust.”
The Russian Foreign Minister in turn stated that cooperation with Iran is
highly important for his country and maintained "As for how to interpret the Geneva
document we have no disagreement with Iran and we will stress the point in the
future 5+1 meetings. That is because in Russia’s foreign policy tenet it has
been stressed that countries should have the right to enrich uranium and have
peaceful nuclear activity and technology within the framework of international