Tehran, YJC. Political analyst says the Iranian president does not consider Iran endowed with the duty to fight the US and wipe out Israel.

Political analyst and academic Sadeq Zibakalam who was
speaking in a news conference in Khalij Fars weekly headquarters in Bushehr
said "After the heavy defeat on the June 14 election when they got that
dizzying shock, the Principalists are now gradually rising up and starting to
make opposition and to show resistance.”
"Their econo-political interests have them stand up and put
a spoke the government’s wheel.”
"Some of the radical Principalists' opposition comes from
their beliefs. They believe that the Islamic republic has a historical mission
to fight arrogance and the capitalist establishment and Israel. It is natural
for them to take an oppositional stance whenever a group is going to hinder their
progress toward their ideals,” he maintained.
Zibakalam added "These folks believe that the Islamic
Republic of Iran is the harbinger for fighting injustice and arrogance. If they
feel that the policies of someone like Hashemi would lower their flag in
fighting hedonism and the monopoly establishment; or of they feel that Hashemi does
not believe in such a combat, they will naturally act against it. We call this
group the honest Principalists.”
He then pointed out "There is the second group which finds
its econo-political interests, security, and position at stake. They do not
want to lose their position, so they set for opposition.”
"Rouhani's main problem has to do with the second
group. The first group are idealists and want power in order to reach their
goals. They can be talked into agreement. It is true that they call us names,
but we are not the slaves of the US or the hirelings of the UK or Zionism,” he
He further pointed out "Rouhani does not believe in a
historical mission to fight the US, Israel, or arrogance. He does not basically
believe that the Islamic Republic of Iran has a historical mission to fight the
US, to fight arrogance, or to fight the monopoly system and wipe out Israel.
Mr. Rouhani believes in none of those things; nor do Messrs. Hashemi, Nateq,
Khatami, or Seyyed Hassan Khomeini; nor do 90 percent of the people of Iran.”
"Rouhani does not want to enter a full-blown battle with Principalists,”
Zibakalam asserted.