Germany's Catholic Church apologizes to thousands of sexual abuse victims

Young journalists club

News ID: 29242
Publish Date: 17:38 - 25 September 2018
TEHRAN, September 25 - The head of the Catholic Church in Germany apologized on Tuesday “for all the failure and pain” after a report found thousands of children were sexually abused by its clergy, a number an expert said was only the “tip of the iceberg”.

Germany's Catholic Church apologizes to thousands of sexual abuse victimsTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The head of the Catholic Church in Germany apologized on Tuesday “for all the failure and pain” after a report found thousands of children were sexually abused by its clergy, a number an expert said was only the “tip of the iceberg”.

Researchers of three German universities examined 38,156 personnel files spanning a 70-year period ending 2014, and found indications of sexual abuse by 1,670 clerics, with more than 3,700 possible victims.

German magazine Der Spiegel reported the findings earlier this month after the report was leaked. The scandal comes at a time when the Catholic Church is grappling with a number of new sexual abuse cases in countries including Chile, the United States and Argentina.


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