Salehi: Iran will not turn into either another N. Korea or Libya

Young journalists club

News ID: 289
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 8:55 - 02 March 2013
TERHRAN, YJC. Aliakbar Salehi has said that Iran’s nuclear case is neither like North Korea’s nor Libya’s.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran appeared in a TV program to talk about many things, including Iran’s nuclear program.
Salehi pointed to the Iran-5+1 negotiations and said "Our case is neither like that of North Korea nor Libya. Our case will be solved and I dare say that so it will be. We are confident in what we do. The Leader issued his fatwa that Iran’s nuclear activities are peaceful. We are not hiding anything and during the past ten years the authorities have not quivered in their positions.”
Answering a question as to who has had the upper hand in nuclear negotiations, Salehi said "It is not who wins and who loses. I can say whenever it set for negotiations, Iran appeared powerful and comprehensive. They themselves say it is hard to negotiate with Iranians because they are meticulous.

Salehi believed that there are two sides to the negotiations, one being political and the other technical and legal. "The technical-legal side is easy, because there are frameworks to it and no one can go astray. The atmosphere in these talks is usually friendly. In some cases the foreign experts were so fascinated that instead of challenging us, they would go along with us. They would say ‘we worked 30 years to find this.’ But when the political side is on things get complicated,” Salehi stated.

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